Die Schöne Blume Musik Werk 1999
Genetic Transmission has an impressive amount of records in its discography. Among them there are a few that to a greater or lesser extent refer to the noise aesthetics. Electro Bruitiste is one of my favorite Genetic Transmission albums. The album was released in 1999 and, like most of the artist's recordings, it was released by Die Schoene Blumen Music Werk. "Electro Bruitiste" is 56 minutes of heavy noise with a slight tint of industrial. The album contains seven crushing songs, certainly performed, for my ear, in analog technique. Amazingly, the last two of these songs are great, typically industrial compositions.
You can hear the typical factory hum, the sounds of rubbing various steel structures. I often associate it with the bang that can be heard during working hours inside the factory, and with the sounds that could be generated by some old and broken machinery. However, the whole album is kept in climates of noisy industrial and noise. The songs on "Electro Bruitiste" are varied, each song sounds a little different. In some you can hear a squeaky and unbearable noise, in others such strange electronic crackling, similar to the one in the recordings of another project by Tomasz Twardawa Godzilla. The album does not discourage or shock with typical electronic noise, forcing you to put it back on the shelf as soon as possible. It is heavy and noisy but arouses interest and curiosity, makes you want to listen to it again and pick up new sounds. Genetic Transmission managed to achieve two, in my opinion, significant advantages when it comes to noise, the weight of the sound matter itself and the unusual, interesting sound of the noise itself. The material on "Electro Bruitiste" undoubtedly stands at a high level, both in terms of sound and rawness, and many contemporary recordings of this genre, including foreign ones, in my opinion, are simply pale with this album.
The album, as befits Genetic Transmission, has an unusual packaging. The cover is made of black and thick cardboard, several millimeters long, with cables stuck in various places, which may come from electronic devices that generate this noise. The cover blends well with the musical content and has the same character - electronic, obnoxious and dark. I recommend.
The review was previously published by me in the Kultura Industrialna magazine.
Read the rest of the Genetic Transmission reviews: