Zoharum 2015

Genetic Transmission - Last"Last" is the last and one of the most interesting Genetic Transmission albums. Over the years of creative work, Genetic Transmission has developed an interesting and original style. His music from the last albums is masterfully played and refined. The album contains fifteen tracks in an industrial and electroacoustic style. The music flows for over sixty minutes and each track feels more interesting than the previous one.

Although all the material from "Last" is coherent and has a specific, even sound, I think that there are two categories of songs. One of them are industrial songs that refer to the compositions from the first Genetic Transmission albums. The second is prepared electroacoustic pieces with a more ambient and experimental character.

On "Last" Tomasz Twardawa posted a lot of really interesting sounds and ideas. We will hear the impact of metal objects, the sounds of machines, knocking and rustling. Most of these sounds probably come from the mysterious structures and musical instruments built by Tomasz Twardawa from Genetic Transmission. It all seems processed and rolled into a thick dough, seasoned with a handful of original spices that are the artist's alchemical secret. It is difficult to say what is the source of most sounds and how they were produced. While listening to Genetic Transmission's music, various interpretations come to mind. I think that breaking down sounds and musical matter on "Last" into prime factors and analyzing it in detail is pointless. In the case of this music, the variety of interpretations is the most interesting. It is much better to simply surrender to the current of music and see for yourself how it affects us.

Initially, the album may turn out to be difficult to perceive, but I encourage you to listen to it many times. The album sounds great especially on a good audio system with a louder setting. Then the sounds from the lower registers wake up, every murmur and rustling is heard and the music takes on a proper weight.

It is worth mentioning that Marek Marchoff from Different State, who did a very good mastering, applied his hand to the final sound of this successful album. The graphic design also deserves recognition (Maciej Mehring from Zoharum). The abstract graphics are fun and fit well with Genetic Transmission's music. I admit that I liked the whole Chapter series and it is good that also the Genetic Transmission project, which I have appreciated for years, graced the Chapter series with this very good album.





Read the rest of the Genetic Transmission reviews:

Genetic Transmission "Electro Bruitiste"

Ładne Kwiatki "TR1+"